Bash Basics: find
is a Command that traverses the file system below a given directory and finds files according to whichever rules it’s given. This is usually the quickest way to find specific files in a tree
Useful Examples
# Find a file with a name
find . -name # Match exactly
find . -name "*.py" # Match a pattern
# Find recently modified files (in minutes - *note* the minus sign - no "-" means exactly)
find . -mmin -100 # in minutes
find . -mtime -100m # in any units
# Find files of a particular size (exactly, or [+/-])
find . -size +10M
# Find files of a particular type, e.g. binary
find . -type b
# Execute a command on every file found - {} expands to the name of the file
# -print reinstates the default printing behaviour of find
find . -type d -perm 777 -print -exec rm -f {} \;